Effective website conversion advice
Attract . Engage . Convert

About Nexify

De ‘Over Ons’ pagina zou een mooie lap met tekst moeten hebben over ons, onze Why, missie en visie.
Helaas vind je niets van dit alles hier. Niet omdat we niet willen, maar omdat we te druk zijn met het helpen van onze klanten. Je weet hoe het gaat, de mecaniciens auto, de schoenmakers schoenen. 

The ‘About Us’ page should have a nice bit of copy about us, our Why, mission and vision.

Unfortunately, you won’t find any of it here. Not because we don’t want to, but because we are too busy helping our customers. You know how it goes, the mechanics car, the cobblers shoes.

About Nexify 1

Marjan Crabtree

/mɑrjɑn krebtri/


  1. Creative techie
    over 30 years experience in information and communication technology
  2. Certified translator NE-EN
  3. Smart Unconventional Solutions
  4. Troubleshooter and ‘out of the box’ thinker.
  5. Author ‘Lanceren kan je Leren’
  6. Stront tech, text and coffee
  7. Normal isn’t crazy enough

I give entrepreneurs that extra spark their website desperately needs.

I’m not just redesigning a homepage or tweaking a few colour schemes—I am transforming an online space into a lean, mean, conversion-driving machine.

In other words, I cut through the fluff and get right to what matters: making a business’s website actually work for them.

I won’t beat around the bush: if your website is not bringing in customers, there is work to be done.

It is a waste to spend energy, time and money on a site that is only ‘pretty’. A website should do more. It should attract, engage and convert visitors. Done. Full stop. Out.

You may think a new website is the solution.

Pretty pictures, sleek design, all the trimmings. But honestly? If you don’t know what the problem is, a new website only throws more oil on the fire. It’s like putting a new engine in a car without checking why it didn’t start. Nice idea, but… it doesn’t work.

You feel like you have everything in place. The basics are there. Yet things are not going the way you want. Maybe you notice that your technical partner cannot keep up with the strategic growth you aspire to. Or you’re stuck in a situation where “it’s working” actually means “it’s not working well enough”. And that gnaws at you.

Who am I?

I am Marjan. Techie with a creative streak, marketing nerd and sifeways-thinker at heart. I have been building websites since 1995 (yes, back when you had dial-up internet). What started as a hobby grew into a passion, and now I help entrepreneurs get the most out of their online presence.

My speciality?

  • Websites that bring in customers.
  • Copy that does engage.
  • Conversions that make you happy.


I don’t just look at your website, but the whole picture. Think strategy, neuromarketing, copywriting and technology. No half-measures, but a site that makes sense.

Time for a different approach

No blind sprint to a new website, but first look at where the shoe pinches. Why do your visitors stick around? Why don’t they click further? Without those answers, any new website is a gamble – and an expensive one at that.

dennis conversion audit

How I can help you

I help you get things clear. Not with vague promises or fashionable buzzwords, but with a sharp eye and action-oriented approach. With more than 30 years of experience in both ICT and copywriting, I know exactly where to look to find the weak spots. And more importantly: I show you how to solve them.

From big names like HP and Unilever to smaller companies and New Zealand ministries – I have helped everyone make digital strategies work. Not by pushing standard solutions, but by looking at what is really needed.

  • You want more customers?
    I help you discover why they drop out.
  • Your conversion could be better? I’ll show you where to tinker.
  • Frustration over a partner not delivering? I get to the root of strategic and technical bottlenecks.

What I don’t do

  • Completely turning your website upside down without knowing what is wrong.
  • Feeding you fat reports you can’t do anything with.
  • Making empty promises.

What I will do

Putting you with both feet on the ground and working together on a website and strategy that does gets results.

Why am I doing this?

Because I know how it feels. How frustrating it is when you seem to be doing everything right, but the results are lacking. I am also an entrepreneur. I have also made mistakes. Like that time when I, together with Denise Hulst, released “Learn to launch”. A cool idea, but we wanted more than we could handle. And you know what? Precisely because of those lessons, I now know what does work.

Private? Three smart kids, a Kiwi husband, and a chaotic but beautiful life in New Zealand. And yes, even here I help entrepreneurs like you get more out of their business.

 What can I do for you?

You don’t have time for blabla and fat reports (neither do I). That’s why I keep it simple, practical and to-the-point.
Here’s what I can do for you:

Website Sprint

Do you have a specific question or challenge? We tackle it in one quick session. I look, you learn, and we fix it.

Conversion Audit

Why aren't your visitors clicking through? Where are they dropping out? I dig through your site and give you a list of areas for improvement that you can start working on right away.

Website Workshop

Do you have bigger plans? Then we'll tackle it big together in half a day. You walk away with a site that really works and a strategy you can take forward.

Why me?

Because I don’t sell standard marketing talk. I am honest, straightforward and a tad nonconfirmist. If I see something that doesn’t work, I say so. And if your website is great? Then I say so too.

My mission (ah, a mission after all): to give your site that extra spark it desperately needs so it actually works for you.

What do you get from me?

✔ Direct and clear advice.
✔ Practical solutions that really work.
✔ A touch of humour (because life is serious enough).

Ready to look beyond a new website?

I help you discover what it really takes to make your website and strategy successful. Without fuss, without risk, with immediate results. Let’s get started!

Zonder titel (750 x 750 px) (1)

No hard sell. We promise.

Oops, a pop-up… 🙄

I get it, pop-ups are irritating. But I’m also here for a reason! This is the chance to grab something that will really benefit you.

Is your web page not converting well enough?

Double your conversion with the 7 VICTORS questions

Oops, a pop-up… 🙄

I get it, pop-ups are irritating. But I’m also here for a reason! This is the chance to grab something that will really benefit you.

Is your web page not converting well enough?

In my over 30 years as a website expert, I have seen thousands of sites. Pretty pictures, nice text, but often the basics are missing. With the answers to the 7 VICTORS questions, you can be sure that your webpage contains the most important information. This can easily double your conversion rate.